The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Air plants, or Tillandsia, are unique and captivating plants that can thrive without soil, making them a popular choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts. Their versatility and minimal care requirements make them an excellent addition to any indoor space. In this guide, we'll explore how to care for air plants to keep them healthy and vibrant.

Some of our top selling Urban Botany products, such as our Century, Blend, Room with a View, Capsule, and Airy Teardrop feature a Tillandsia. 

What Are Air Plants?

Air plants belong to the Tillandsia genus and are part of the Bromeliad family. They are epiphytes, meaning they absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves rather than their roots, which are primarily used for anchoring. Air plants come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, adding a modern, natural touch to any environment.

Why Choose Air Plants?

  • No Soil Required: Air plants can thrive without soil, offering flexibility in display options.
  • Low Maintenance: They require minimal care, making them perfect for busy lifestyles.
  • Versatile Display Options: Air plants can be placed on various surfaces or in creative containers, making them versatile for different designs.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: With their unique forms and colors, air plants bring a touch of elegance and modernity to any space.

Plant Care Tips for Air Plants

1. Light Requirements

Air plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Place them near a window that receives plenty of natural light but avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch their delicate leaves. If natural light is insufficient, you can use fluorescent or LED grow lights to provide the necessary light.

2. Watering

Proper watering is essential for healthy air plants. Here's how to water them:

  • Soaking: Every 1-2 weeks, soak the air plants in room-temperature water for 20-30 minutes. After soaking, shake off excess water and allow them to dry upside down for a few hours before placing them back in their display.
  • Misting: In addition to soaking, mist the plants lightly 1-2 times a week, depending on the humidity in your home. Be sure to avoid over-watering, as air plants can rot if left wet for too long. Make sure to remove any cork or cover during watering, and replace when the plant appears dry. 
3. Temperature and Humidity

Air plants prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C) and enjoy moderate humidity levels. While they can tolerate drier air, especially if regularly misted, they do best in environments with some humidity. Avoid placing them near heating or cooling vents, which can dry out the plants.

4. Air Circulation

Good air circulation is crucial for air plants. Ensure that air can flow around the plants to prevent moisture buildup and reduce the risk of rot. Open displays or well-ventilated areas work best.

5. Fertilizing

Feed air plants with a bromeliad or air plant-specific fertilizer diluted to half strength. Apply the fertilizer during one of the soakings once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can harm the plants.

6. Pruning and Maintenance

Remove any dead or brown leaves by gently pulling them off the plant. Trim any damaged or overly long leaves to maintain the plant's shape. Regularly clean the area around the air plants to remove dust or debris that could affect air circulation.

7. Flowering

Air plants are capable of producing beautiful, colorful flowers, often once in their lifetime. The timing of flowering can vary depending on the species and growing conditions, but it typically occurs when the plant is mature and receiving optimal care. The flowers can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. After flowering, the plant may begin to produce "pups," or baby plants, at its base. These can be left attached to the mother plant or separated once they are about a third of its size to start new plants.


Air plants are a fascinating and low-maintenance choice for indoor greenery, offering endless creative possibilities for displays. By providing the right light, water, and air circulation, you can enjoy the beauty of Tillandsia in your home for years to come. Happy planting!